Wednesday, August 02, 2006

So here it is... my very first blog post! I am 8 1/2 days away from leaving for Tokyo!!!

I don't see myself as a blogging type of person. In fact when I sent out my request for contacts email, a few people replied astonished that I was starting a blog. I really had no clue where to start one and began to make one in MySpace but Kenn steered me to this site instead. Much better choice. My brother pinpointed it exactly- that my "generation" - really around my year in school is sort of the borderline age of bloggers and non-bloggers. When I was in college, pretty much no one I knew blogged or even knew what it was. But those just 2 years younger, everyone is into blogging! I decided to give it a try and start one because I thought it would be a great way to keep everyone updated on my new life in Japan without having to send out periodic email updates. (Got the idea from my childhood friend Johanna actually- thanks Jo!) So feel free to check in and read at your leisure.

On to the Japan details: I have a lot to do before I leave. I am in the process of organizing and packing. I'm also going to doctors appts and sorting out all the little things like paperless statements for my credit cards. I cannot believe I am leaving. I am definitely both excited and nervous at the same time. But every single person I've spoken to or emailed about my moving for a year is very excited for me. I have gotten so much encouragement and well wishes that I can't be anything but thrilled to embark on this adventure. When Kenn and I were deciding whether or not to go, we just could not pass up this once in a lifetime opportunity. I have plenty more to say about my anxieties (like how I don't speak or remember any japanese at all) but feel it might be boring to read. For tonight, I am happy with my first blog post if this works..... More to come soon for sure!


Anonymous said...

love that you are doing this! it will give me something to read at work. :)

ActionJoJo said...

Hey Jenn, Welcome to world of blogging! You are going to love it and we are going to thoroughly relish reading about your new adventures in Nippon. Definitely post stories about the cultural missahps that naturally occur in an office full of people from different backgrounds -- a la "The Office" but with a terriyaki twist. And of course, keep us in the loop of what you do outside the office...cuz you're not going to be working the whole time you're there, right?

Anonymous said...

Why does the title of this blog sound like some porno flick? on that note, make sure you explore the nightlife in tokyo! Don't get stuck in the office 24/7! Good luck!