Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Small updates

Do I have to enter a blog post everyday? I don't know if I can be that interesting...

Here are some updates on some of the smaller things I've been up to (for my now 5 loyal readers):
-Jet lag still gets me up at 6am ish so I've been working out in the fitness room in the building
-My commute to work includes a series of people movers inside of a building
-I had sashimi on a bed of rice (Chirashi) today for lunch. It was quite good and a lot of pieces for like $8
-I need to register for an alien registration card before I can get a cell phone
-I am on lesson 3 in my Rosetta Stone Japanese lessons (CDRom). I have learned the basic use of nouns, verbs and adjectives. I have a vocabulary that includes car, dog, cat, airplane, boy, girl, man, women, short, long, young, old, walk, run, dance, swim, fly, and jump. I know how to count to ten and basic colors. :) (by the way, I highly recommend Rosetta Stone for language learning)
-I emailed many of the people that friends gave me Tokyo contacts for and am setting up lunches, dinners, drinks to meet new friends
-Yesterday and today we started putting together a "business plan" and projected work for the next year. Wow, aren't I doing grown up work? ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, you do have to post everyday! okay - kidding - you don't have to. but once the weather gets cold and i can't take walks during the day - i may need you to post more. :)

yes - you are very grown-up. the future of DL in asia is all on your shoulders! :)

keep blogging!!!!