Friday, September 08, 2006

Ain't all peachy

Every day in Tokyo isn't all fun and games. Last few times I've tried to get somewhere I got lost, it's so annoying. Finding your way around here sure is not easy.

Weather cooled off a little but it's still humid so I'm still sweating up a storm over here. Yesterday I went to a client meeting and I was wearing a suit. I arrived already feeling hot, their office was not very air conditioned, and I was just sweating like crazy. To the point where it was embarrassing really, I didn't quite know what to do, wipe the sweat as I was talking or what. One guy was even like "if you're hot, feel free to take off your jacket"... but I wasn't about to sport a wet shirt at that meeting! To top it off, I dropped my new hankerchief on the floor and left it there by accident. Needless to say it wasn't the best day ever. Oh and my business cards still have not arrived so I looked like an idiot yet again with clients.

I pinched a nerve in my neck or something the other night and my neck has been hurting. It's a little better today but yesterday I was having trouble turning my head to the side.

On the brighter side, I picked up my foreign registration card so I will hopefully be getting a cell phone today. Everyone has this misconception of phones here being really cool and small. Honestly, most people here have big phones. They have great functions, all kinds of emailing and texting and cameras on them are really good. But they are mostly not sleek and small.

Last night I met up with Lauren, one of the girls I met last weekend. We had dinner at the Grand Hyatt bar/restaurant. I had an expensive burger and really expensive red wine. The burger was good but not great. The wine was really good (Cabernet) but it was way overpriced.

On to another weekend.....


Anonymous said...

When does the weather get better?
Have you found any turkey bacon there yet?

Checking into the tickets as we speak......

Miss you!

Anonymous said...

I told you about the difficulty in finding addresses before you left. I can't remember how I got around Tokyo 36 years ago. I don't remember taking mass transit so I must have taken cabs.
Well, you've been there a whole month already-- another month or so and you'll be back in NYC.

ActionJoJo said...

Girl! Get thee to an acupuncturist...or some Eastern healer! You know how I love mine in NYC. :)