Thursday, December 14, 2006

What do i blog about today?

I've been posting to my blog regularly. I'm back in it to win it... Okay, I'm a dork.

This has been the longest slowest week. I'm not quite sure why. I think it might be because I'm looking so forward to going home for Christmas and the new chapter that begins after Kenn and I return to Japan.

Tomorrow is our office outing. We are going to an amusement park outside of Tokyo somewhere and also possibly to an Onsen (hot spring). You have to be naked at Onsens and I'm not sure how I feel about being naked in front of coworkers. It's not the nudity that I have a problem with really but naked with coworkers?? Kinda weird. Oh well, when in Rome I guess...

Man, I am bored today.


Anonymous said...

I never want to see my co-workers; let alone in the buff. Frightening thought.

Anonymous said...

could not a agree with your uncle more. had a few of your blogs to catch up on. work has been busy. holiday party last night. i took today off. believe it or not - nyc was gorgeous today - mid 50s. roamed around all day!