Thursday, May 17, 2007

First day of class

ジェニファー エング - that's my name in Katakana (not sure if it shows up?)

So Kenn and I attended our first Japanese language class last night. Meeghan sent us the info on this community center that offers lessons for just the cost of the textbook. We actually didn't have to pay anything for last night's session. Not sure why but we think it was because we didn't have to buy the textbook yet. The class was first broken up into all different sub-classes of various levels. We were in the super basic beginner class. To be honest, it was a little basic for me (I guess I have learned something in 9 months!), but hopefully the coming weeks will be useful. We mostly covered greetings and learned some body parts. We were taught the hiragana characters, speaking and writing them. It is so hard to memorize reading them, I am going to have to study that big time. I was hoping for more of the lesson to be on speaking but maybe in the future lessons. It is only Wednesdays for 2 hours for about 2 months. This first class had 17 people at the beginner level but maybe some will drop out and class size will get smaller.

Progress is being made! :)


Anonymous said...

yes, the characters showed up!

go you and kenn for taking classes! (finally :) )

Unknown said...

Yeah!!! now you hopefully will get all the menu itmes you order in restaurants.