Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Dead computer

One of the worst things that can ever happen--- my computer has died. Well, it might not actually be dead but it appears Windows is corrupt and I can't access anything. I feel naked. I feel lost. I feel frustrated. My life is my computer (ok, I'm being a little dramatic). I'm upset mostly that my Outlook has all of my folders with emails filed, my contacts, my calendar. Also I had recent work files and my important urls bookmarked. What really sucks is I downloaded the latest Grey's episode and haven't watched it yet! iTunes doesnt let you download to multiple places so I'm going to have to go on a hunt online for it.

Now I'm stuck with my work's crappy webmail service and finding a loaner laptop in the office here. They all have restricted access so I can't use things like IM.

Booo.... this whole computer thing sucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always backup your hard drive at least once a month. Then you can always reinstall Windows and run a recovery from the backup. Voila! You have your old computer back.