Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My shows

So I am so excited - I bought a season pass on itunes for Lost and Grey's Anatomy. I was pretty upset that I would be missing my 2 favorite shows when I moved to Japan. Some of you may be saying, why buy Lost when you can watch episodes for free on but guess what -- you cannot watch those internationally. Yes $35 may seem like a lot but it is sooooo worth it to me. I am a happy camper :) Yes, I am a TV junkie, sue me. Monday night I discovered the ability to purchase and download and new episodes are downloadable throughout the season after they air. Of course on Monday I had to watch every single one I missed so far - the Lost premiere (man, that show is good) and all 3 new Grey's (man, the guys on that show are hot).

So now I have something to watch on weekends. When I come home to visit soon, I will also be bringing back seasons 1 and 2 of Grey's, seasons of Buffy (thanks to a coworker who shall remain unnamed), and as many movies as my brother can burn for me. Hehe. That should last me huh? Well, one rainy (or bad hangover) weekend can probably kill those off pretty quick. Just to keep people feeling sorry for me, you will not believe what I resorted to watching the other day: Junior! Now if you cannot remember what movie this is please go to right now and look it up. It's the 1994 Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito movie where Arnold impregnates himself and carries the baby full term. Uh huh. Exactly.

Though every once in awhile I find a gem. Today I got caught up in watching Gattaca which I've never seen before. I thought it was actually a pretty good movie. If it wasn't, then someone must please tell me that I am totally losing my taste in film and TV... Every once in awhile I catch old episodes of Lost, Six Feet Under, American Idol, The OC, or Dawson's Creek - not bad. Oh and Knight Rider!! Gotta love Kit - ha!


gregjng said...

so do none of the online tv shows work?,, and all copied abc and put select shows online.

Anonymous said...

dawson's! love pacey. need to run into a boy i met that looks like pacey a couple weeks ago at PT's. :)

Anonymous said...

One way around it is to use a proxy located in the US. This will fool the site to allow you to view the shows.