Thursday, October 05, 2006

I am Blog-Ng

Hahaha... I've decided to change the name of my blog. I crack myself up.

I have learned that my own fiance does not regularly read my blog. His excuse is that we talk everyday so he's updated on what's going on with me. In my opinion he is missing out on little details, things I notice, and funny antics. His loss. I'm going to see how long it takes him to read this post and comment. If you know Kenn, ask him when he met Albert Einstein. hehe...

In yesterday's post: "I've noticed a high incidence of bow-legged people here. I wonder if I'm just imagining that." -- well my friend PC sent me this pic (which he actually got off of Sophia's blog):

Apparently I am not imagining it because I also did some online investigating and read references to possibly 70-80% of the Japanese population being bow legged. Mostly women. A lot of theories include wearing kimono shoes, the way they sit as children, it's just in the genes, etc. Interesting. I am very curious about this now.

So I dropped my computer the other day by accident and the #5 key fell off. It still works if you press the little plastic thing that's there but gonna have to get that fixed. The key itself didn't break but there are a few small pieces to it...Oops.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting observation on Japanese women. I'm going observe some of the Japanese women at work next time I'm in SONY HQ. I recently spilled soda on my laptop and the keys got very sticky. The PC people at work ordered a new keyboard for $11 (internal price) and replaced it in 10 minutes!