Thursday, June 07, 2007


Karl successfully toured around Tokyo on his own yesterday since Kenn had some work to do. He made it around on the subway system to Asakusa, Akihabara, and Meiji Shrine. But not without some battle scars at least - he wore his new sneakers which ended up giving him a bloody ankle. Total Curt Schilling style.

Anyway I met up with Kenn and Karl after work at guess where - a sports bar in Roppongi. We went to dinner at the Tonkatsu place in Roppongi Hills and then to Heartland for a few drinks. Sound familiar? Yes, Kenn and I take visiting guests to the same places often.

We got a good night's sleep, saving our energy for the remainder of the week. I am taking a personal day tomorrow. I think the plan is dinner at Tokyo Midtown and Departure Lounge tonight, then maybe a baseball game tomorrow, Milwaukee Bar (Kenn might dj for an hour), and Feria. Saturday we might hit the Absolut Ice Bar then club Muse or Yellow. I think today Kenn and Karl went either to Ueno Park/National Museum and/or Shibuya and shopping again.

This blog post is boring.

So here are some pics taken from Meeghan's camera:

Kenn and I at Asakusa after a passing rain shower just poored down from the sky sending everyone running for cover:

Cute kid in festival gear:

It's Meeghan's last weekend in Tokyo! I am so sad she is leaving already!! :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SNEAKERS!!! yes, doris - i have to make my random comments. :)

sounds like lots of fun!