Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Boys don't like gardens

Yesterday Karl and Kenn went to the Imperial Palace East Garden. I guess it wasn't clear to them that going to the "Imperial Palace" meant you can only see it from far (it is not open to the public except on New Year's) and you just get to see the surrounding gardens (which are nice!). They were disappointed and like typical guys the gardens didn't do it for them. :) Funny.

They did enjoy walking around Shibuya/Harajuku/Omotosando and sneaker shopping (of course). Then they came to Ebisu (where I work) and had some huge drafts of beer at the Beer Station. They persuaded me to come down for a drink at 4pm (reluctantly of course, wink wink). It's been super slow at work so I didn't miss much. Went back upstairs, sent a few emails and left at 6 for more beer. We went to our favorite Udon place in Roppongi and had a few drinks at local bars including the usual - Propaganda. It was a dead night though. What can you expect for a Tuesday I guess.

This morning we were going to see if we were up for Tsukiji fish market. Karl actually woke us up at 5:15, guess it's the jet lag. So we went to the fish market and had delicious sushi for breakfast. I really liked the place we went to today, the sushi was great and cheap too. I'm impressed (and glad) we made it but was tired all day.

On a separate note, here are some pics of Mt Fuji from the 5th station and from the mountain at Hakone. (Meeghan, hope you don't mind I stole them from your photo gallery). This is what we would have seen if the weather wasn't cloudy for us. Meeghan went just a week or two before us on the same tour. What a difference a couple weeks makes!

By the way, the sun rises around 4:30am this time of year. And the sky starts to get bright around 4am- insane!


Anonymous said...

yum. i could go for some fish market sushi.

Meeghan said...

I thought those photos looked familiar! ;-)