Saturday, April 28, 2007

Cafe Au Lait

So I signed up for the bread course. Should be fun kneading my own dough and stuff. And no Livia, I am not domesticated, it's all about eating good food! :)

Here's my Cafe Au Lait bread:

Pretty close to the pic, eh? It was so yummy.

So, my friend Amy arrived last night. We took her to the usual Yakitori place around the corner and I think we're going to the Imperial Palace gardens today.

Tonight is a big night for Kenn! Every time we go to our local bar, Propaganda, he chats with the bar help and the owner about dj-ing. They finally said yes after 3 months! Tonight he will be spinning at the bar. Pretty cool, can't believe he'll be spinning in Tokyo! Should be a good time, it's going to be a late one so not sure who's going to make it out. I think he starts at 1am. Will definitely post pics...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

expect to eat some homemade bread when you come back to nyc! :)

how was propoganda?

have a great time with amy!!!