After googling the Napster guy, it got me thinking about how much information about you is randomly out there on the web. I read his website, his resume, looked at his photos on Picasa. Than I started googling people I know and it got really interesting. So interesting I have to post about it and even post some of my findings. Sorry to embarrass some of you but hey, it's public info already is it not?....hehe
First, I have never been able to find reference to myself because I have such a common name. But after trying a few different attempts, I tried "Jennifer Ng tokyo" and found a link 3 urls down to my company website where my name is listed as the Asia Pacific contact. Yay!
When you google Kenn, it links to our friend's website where he has Kenn's url listed. Second link is to some music site.
No immediate references to my brother, dad, or mom.
Ging, did you win a gift certificate to
Two Boots sometime? Wondering if that's you.
My friend Livia links to a mention on her B school's site and there's also a link to an article she was quoted in in 1998!
Check it out. Haha
Peichung has links to an announcement of his wedding and to his wife's alumni newsletters mentioning their wedding. PC, no mentions of you outside of Melissa though!
On Charles, there was a url linking to what looks like an event he attended recently related to his alma mater.
Victor has a few mentions on some of the design work he's been involved in. Was in
Comm Arts. And part of the IBM Intranet team that won a
2006 Intranet Design Award. Nice Victor!
Doris, Karl, Jenn L, couldn't anything on you guys. Ok, I didn't have a chance to look up
everyone I know but I think I made my point. It's a little scary what you can find on people. You can pretty much find anyone's address/phone # that's listed in the phone book.
The comment from my last post was by the guy who's blog I linked too. I'm guessing he found me using Site Meter's tool where it shows you referring link to your blog. Small world of the internet, it's really interesting to think about how this medium connects us all. To be honest, I was a little embarrassed at first that that guy read my blog post since my blog is just a silly little personal blog and he has a "real" one. ;) But I realized how really cool that really was. He found out about a former colleague, I found a cool new professional blog to read about my industry, and just the fact that another human being that I don't know was sitting somewhere in the US (Massachussetts I think) reading my blog. Something that would have baffled the mind and seemed impossible if someone told you this was reality 10 years ago....