Thursday, November 30, 2006

Who's reading this blog?

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So here are my latest Tokyo fashion observations:

Jenn, Larry and Kenn can confirm this one - boots are hot here. Seriously, boots with anything...jeans, shorts, short skirts. Boots and short skirts are especially popular. Practically everyone woman is Tokyo is wearing that now.

One of my pet peeves - skirts/shorts and long socks/stockings with regular shoes. yuck. (some weird version of the boot look)

Hats are very hot now too.


Anonymous said...

Serioulsy - it is so true!
Larry would love to have that here - but we are doing everything to make sure that that look does not surface in NYC!!!


Livia said...

fun! i would fit-in in tokyo today. have my slouch boots and skirt on today.