Monday, November 27, 2006

Guangzhou pics and my Toyko visitors

Finally Guangzhou pics:

This is a popular shopping street I visited. The glass thing on the ground was displaying a piece of actual old railroad tracks still exposed from around 960-1200s - crazy old!

The seafood restaurant I wrote about where you pic your meal out.

Poor turtle trying desperately to get out!! :(

ICK!!! Eel? Water snake? GROSS!

So my good friends Jenn and Larry were visiting last week and we had a great time (at least I did). They did quite a bit of sightseeing when I had to work and I had off Thursday (similar to Labor day here) and I took off on Friday. We sampled various restaurants, enjoyed wine and beer, went to Shinjuku for great views from skyscrapers including the Park Hyatt where Lost in Translation was filmed... Jenn doesn't like heights or weird food so Larry and I pretty much tortured the poor girl all week. One of the most amazing things that happened is that Larry lost his wallet in a cab after his first full day here. In typical Japanese fashion (the stories are true!!) the cab driver brought it to the local police station. I had the cab receipt so my front desk helped call the cab company and found out where the driver took it. Larry got his wallet back with ALL of it's contents including the cash he took out that day from the atm!! Gotta love the honesty here. That is the short version of the story. Needless to say we didn't let him live that down all week ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CBS Sunday Morning once did a story on the Japanese culture and in particular, the honesty of the people. The Japanese will return even the minor things-- there are tons of lost ( and returned ) umbrellas at the subway stations.
Hmmm, that looks like mine. LOL.