Sunday, September 16, 2007

Jet lag sucks

It's impossible to get enough sleep. So annoying.

My burger last night was great. Eating so much greasy food was rough on the stomach though. Had a great time catching up with everyone.

Craving a bagel now.
Errands today.
Another dinner tonight.

It's so nice to be in NY. I love my apt and I miss NY. I look forward to moving back. On the flip side, I think it's going to be tough getting back to eating american food. It's also going to be tough getting used to things in general - the people, the bars, the lifestyle... Oddly enough NY does seem somehow different to me. I can't really pinpoint why yet....


Anonymous said...

We'll eat Japanese with you anytime!

Livia said...

nyc felt different because i wasn't in town. kidding. :)