Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Medical check

Ok, so in Japan they have what is called annual medical checks here. All employees go for a physical, which I believe is paid for by their health insurance or by the company. I obviously dont't have national health insurance here but my host company here said they would pay for it so figured what the heck, I'll go get checked out. I am scheduled for Friday and received an envelope with instructions (dont't eat 4 hours before), brief health questionnaire, and the tiny little bottle pictured above. I took a picture of it next to my business card so you can see how small it is. My assumption is that the bottle is for urine. At first I was like how the heck am I gonna pee in that? Then thought maybe I am supposed to suck up the urine from the toilet?... Finally I saw this other folded up paper thing and another paper with what looks like instructions (in Japanese of course):

After inspecting the pic and playing with the folded thing, I figured out it folds into a disposable cup. This I assume is what I am supposed to urinate in and then suck up with the mini bottle... interesting.

Supposedly they scheduled me with an English speaking doctor. Will let you know how it goes! Wish me luck.


Amy Honigfeld said...

Hi Jenn,
I'm finally over jet lag and catching up on your blog. This blurb is HYSTERICAL....
I definitely can't wait to hear how you fare w/ the English Speaking Dr.

Livia said...

and yet another way that the packaging in japan is better. you are much less likely to pee on yourself with that chinese take-out looking container. :)

Anonymous said...

Ingenious-- better than a small test tube we use here.