Friday, May 25, 2007

Keeping busy

Besides both of us working (Kenn's still freelancing steadily), Kenn and I are settled into some nice routines now including going to the gym regularly. We have Japanese class once a week and studying to do for that. I don't think I mentioned that I ended up changing my Japanese cooking class from bread to actual Japanese cooking. Thought it would be more useful and that I should take more advantage of being emersed in the culture. I go to my first class tonight and we're making this:

Not sure what it is because the site doesn't have English. But all lessons include a simple meal, appetizer and dessert. Then I'll practice it on Kenn this weekend.

Kenn is maybe interested in trying a martial arts class. We also have lots of travelling within Japan to do while whether is good - Hakone, Kyoto, Kobe, Osaka, Okinawa are all on our list.

And it looks like we will get to go to Thailand in July. I will be going to Bangkok for a conference so we plan to stick around a few extra days to see another city too.

We're living busy lives and still finding time for watching the Buffy DVD series (thanks Kent) and reading whatever stash of English magazines we have (thanks Amy) and books (thanks Amy and Jenn - right now I am reading Jenn's book, Sula).

Of course this is all on top of usual weekend activities in Tokyo. This week's being the Design Festa (same as I went to last fall, it's twice a year).


Amy Honigfeld said...

Hi Jenn and Kenn,
Glad the magazines are of use. I just got the credit card bill:-)

Amy Honigfeld said...

P.S. Does watching your TV shows mean your computers are fixed??

Livia said...

love hearing what's going on with you guys! enjoy the travels!!! fun fun!