Friday, April 13, 2007

Napster dude

So last night, our building had a wine social event thingy. Basically free wine and food and meet other ppl who happen to be staying in the building. Kenn and I were going to stop in for "one drink" but of course ended up sticking around. We met some cool people in our building including one of the cofounders of Napster. I think he was the chief architect, one of the original programmers - Jordan Ritter. He's now CTO at Columbia Music for Japan and is in Tokyo 3 weeks each month. He's only 29! Here's his pic I snagged off the web after googling him- hehe:

Anyway he and his friend/colleague were cool and we ended up going to Departure Lounge, that same place we've been on a few Thursdays. Their perks got us in free too - sweet deal. We hit up some late night ramen with one of the other ppl we met from our building. Oh man, the ramen was exceptionally good last night!!! :)

The whole napster guy thing, got me wondering about whatever happened with them, I couldn't remember. Here's a good summary I found on this guy's blog. The blog also happens to be pretty interesting for you internet peeps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! It is great to see Jordan again...even if only by a picture. He is still smiling just like always.

Last I knew Jordan was in San Francisco working on his email spam detection company and working with VCs. Thanks for letting us know where he is now.

Don Dodge