Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Blog-Ng in 2007

Back in Tokyo!

Kenn and I arrived safely to Tokyo and managed to get all our bags back to the apartment without a tremendous amount of hassle. We unpacked and organized and are having an absolutely wonderful time so far living together. :) It's only been a few days of this honeymoon phase and I've been joking that only one of us is going to make it back to NY alive. hahaha...

We've had jet lag all weekend but managed to get out Monday (I had off for a Japanese holiday) and walked all the way to Shibuya. Weather is hovering around 50F and it's pretty sunny all the time here in the winter. We've been hitting the gym and trying to get back in shape. Personally, the last 2 weeks being home I've indulged in all the food I wanted and missed and noticably gained at least 5 pounds. Back to the Japanese diet, small portions, and exercise.

It was really nice to be home in NY and I did manage to see most people I wanted to catch up with. It was such a busy 2 weeks though running around. Some highlights: Christmas with family, I got to spend some time chatting with coworkers in NY, I had a great afternoon hanging with my mom, nice lunch with my parents, caught up with some friends I knew from church in HS and all their kids (5 kids between 2 couples that are all 31 and under!), rang in the new year with Livia and her cousin, a wonderful dinner with old friends from elementary school, watching the Michigan game with my brother & Caroline & Livia, lunch with an old coworker, and fun dinners/drinks with all my closest friends. I'll miss everyone, especially those I won't see again until next summer!

Kenn got me a great new digital camera for Christmas so now I don't have to be embarrassed of my camera in Japan anymore. hehe. I will post pics soon.

John, if you are reading, stay tuned for the Ode to John blog post. ;)

Happy New Year everyone!! May you have a healthy and prosperous one!


Anonymous said...

yupppeeee - the blog is back! :) hummmm - since john said he bookmarked your blog - lets see if he reads. feel like don't have to copy, paste, and send it to him since he bookmarked.

was soooo nice having you back in nyc!!! have pulled out my japan guidebook - just need to start figuring out what i want to do. plan, plan, plan. can't wait for april!

Jeff A said...

hey jenn. good to see ya. how did kenn fair on the long flight? any brawls? ;) i can tell that you wrote this blog... i could tell if he pens one for you.

Unknown said...

what's the address again for that jenn blog?

Anonymous said...

omg - john actually read the blog! in shock.