Sunday, November 12, 2006

No title

Stumped for a title today. But wow, it's been busy. I had 10 client meetings this past week. Kenn left for home yesterday. He had fun here I think and we had a great time together. It's too bad I couldn't take off more time. Having had him here makes it even harder being in Tokyo now. I'm thinking of coming back to NY for Christmas. Work gives be one more flight home and I plan to take a 2 week vacation next spring so I'm thinking I might as well use the flight to come home for Christmas and New Year's. Would kind of suck spending the holidays alone here.

Guess I will keep myself busy for the next month and a half though. I'm glad I'm having visitors next week. I may have to take a day trip to China (Guangzhou) for a client this week. I will also be going to Taiwan for a few days in December. I suppose Christmas will be here before I know it.

Tokyo has been nice weather. Mostly really sunny and still pretty warm. Winters here are supposed to be pretty mild and I hear pretty sunny most of the time, that should be nice. Looking forward to some snowboarding too, there are plenty of places an hour away and for weekend trips.

The client meetings this week were 'interesting'. They were all in Japanese so of course frustrating for me to just sit there and listen to the same presentation in Japanese 10 times. Then clients ask questions and if my colleagues can't answer them they translate the question for me. A real hoot. And a whole lot of bowing. But in the end we are still making a lot of progresss so things are going well. I'm also noticing I can start to pick up bits of conversation. With limited vocabulary and just trying to make sense in the context of the discussion, you'd be surprised how much you can pick up sometimes.

I'll send a link to pics Kenn took while exploring Tokyo soon. Hope you enjoy(ed) your weekend.

1 comment:

Livia said...

whoo hoo! come back at the end of the year! have extra happy "go blue" thoughts for saturday! then if we are national title bound - i should be in nyc for christmas and new year's! national title game is jan. 8th is AZ. GO BLUE! i am so excited. def not focusing this week. okay - so the only people that probably remotely will enjoy my comment are greg and caroline. i was in a^2 this past friday! love it!