Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I'm so bored of the television here that I've decided to watch my entire Sex and the City DVD collection, all 6 seasons, straight through. Not in one sitting of course but thought it might be interesting to watch them all in order. (By the way, Livia, I just watched the episode "Valley of the Twenty-Something Guys" and thought of you - hehe)

I had my first client meeting today at MSN Japan. It went really well, I basically reviewed our product and we talked about the upcoming online campaign they want to test. The rest of the work day was rather boring though I am keeping pretty busy researching, getting contacts, creating training/documentation and answering client questions on projects we're working on.

What have I been eating? I had Chirashi again for lunch (sashimi on rice) and I boiled some frozen dumplings for dinner. I hit the "gym" again today and am considering doing a Rosetta Stone lesson now. Let's face it, not everyday in Japan is going to be and adventure. :)

Girish, a DL NY coworker of mine, made me a photo slideshow of DL'ers on a cd that I just watched yesterday. It's totally kick ass! It did make me miss the folks back home. For any other DL'ers reading, thanks for the awesome poster that everyone signed and assorted candy and snacks. Really, really cool care package!


Anonymous said...

omg - that made me realize that we are now about the age of the SATC ladies when the show first started. eek - they seem much older than us!

been walking home from work and sometimes pass by cafe d. you're obviously not sitting outside there. :(

sounds like you are staying busy! fun fun!!!

Anonymous said...

you know you liked the audio selection!